Curriculum Vitae 2/2013

Curriculum Vitae

Mikael Kinanen

Born 1989 in Helsinki

Lives and works in Helsinki

Address: Välimerenkatu 5, 00180


E-mail: mikael|atque|


Graduate Student, Aalto University, School of Art, Design and Architecture (ARTS), Master’s Degree Programme in Fine Art, 2012-

Graduate Student, Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, Praxis: Master’s Degree Program in Art Theory and Exhibition Practises, 2012-

Bachelor of Culture and Arts, TAMK Tampere University of Applied Sciences, School of Art and Media, Fine Art Programme, 2008-2012

Undergraduate student of Philosophy, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Tampere 2009-

Subject Teacher’s Pedagogical Studies, Department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, University of Tampere, 2010-

Work Experience:
2013 Curator’s Assistant, Mänttä Art Fair, Finland (ongoing)

2011-2012 Managing Editor, ERO Thesis Exhibition

2011 Trainee, Backlight 2011 Photo Festival, Photographic Center Nykyaika, Tampere, Finland

2010 Intern, Inter-cool 3.0 exhibition, Frankfurt Goethe Universität, under professor Birgitt Richard in Frankfurt am Main and Dortmund, Germany

Selected Group Exhibitions:

2013     Erottaa±us, Glue Factory, Glasgow, UK

2012     1<3, International Art Collaborations, OCAD University, Toronto

2012     1<3, International Art Collaborations, Finlayson area, Tampere

2012     ERO Thesis Exhibition, Kunsthalle TR1, Tampere

2012     Taidekahvila Ero, Ikuinen Galleria, Tampere

2011     Expanded Views, Backlight ’11 Photo Festival, Tampere

2011     Kakkupaloja, Ikuinen Galleria, Tampere

2010     Promoting Changes, Werstas, Tampere, Curated by Pekka Niskanen

2010    MEGAGAGAA, Gallery Nottbeck, Tampere

2010    Lyhyt videokirjasto, Emil -hall, Tampere

2009   Avo 09: Pumpulivallankumous, Werstas, Tampere

2008    Jotain sanottavaa, Ikuinen Galleria, Tampere

2008    Backlight Workshop Exhibition, Emil -hall, Tampere

2006    Jugenkunstaustellung im Essen 2006, Zeche Zollverein, Essen, Germany

Art Games (w/ Vili Nissinen):

2011   Totalitarian Cries/ Vihan itukvirsi, Art in Conflict, Labour Museum Werstas, Tampere, Finland, Curated by Pekka Niskanen

2010   Terrorist Game, Dortmund, Germany

Other New Genre Public Art (w/ Vili Nissinen):

2010    Exhibit #301 and Exhibit #369, Inter-cool 3.0, Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund, Germany, Curated by Professor Birgit Richard and Inke Arns

2010    Cage, Bockenheimer Campus, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

2010    Arkivaatteen tarinat – Political Fashion Show, Väinö Linnan aukio, Tampere

2009    Häkki, Jugendin tori, Tampere


2012   What would you change? collaborative public engaged photography (w/ Joanna Glezakos and Anne Lehtelä)

Works in Collections:

Collections of Pirkanmaa Hospital District, Child Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, TAYS, 2007


Kinanen, Mikael; Peittämätön ruumis: Alastomuus valokuvataiteen sallitussa kuvastossa (The Uncovered Body: Nakedness and Nudity in the Accepted Imagery of Finnish Photographic Art); June 2012, Theseus, TAMK Tampere University of Applied Sciences, 

Kinanen, Mikael; ”Game, Performance and Intervention”; part of an article dealing with the Dublin 2 participatory game; States of Play: Nordic Larp Around the World; edited by Petterson, Juhana; April 2012, Pohjoismaisen roolipelaamisen seura ry

Edited Publications:

Taidelehti ERO; edited by Kinanen, Mikael; Miettinen, Mari-Sohvi and Rytkönen, Laura, April 2012, TAMK Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Lectures and Public Speaking:

Liveroolipelien estetiikka ja oikeuttaminen taiteena (The Aesthetics and Justification of Live-action role-play as art), with Vili Nissinen, Työväenmuseo Werstas 19.8.2011

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